Colleague Relations...
Below are our articles on the subject of Colleague Relations. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Advice on Joining a Well Established Team
suggestions on joining a well established team, whether they are conservative or more sociable, how to be appropriate...

Are You too Easily Offended in the Workplace?
A list of situations where it is or is not acceptable to be offended in the workplace...

Common Power Struggles at Work
Take a look at the most common power struggles in the office and make sure that you avoid them....

Dealing with Being Passed Over for Promotion Without Looking Bitter
Advice on how to deal with not winning a promotion you wanted, with tips for if there is likely to be another promotion or not...

Facts About Working Relationships
Separating fact from fiction will help you form better working relationships....

Fitting in as a Temporary Worker
Temporary workers are often on trial periods for permanent positions and one of the major factors towards winning the job will be the ability to fit in well with…...

Getting the Right Balance between Friend and Colleague
Advice on maintaining a good balance between friendship and working relationship...

How much to tell Colleagues about Your Personal Life?
Guidelines and advice on how to get the balance right between gossip and friendliness about personal information in the workplace...

How to Approach a Colleague You know is Making Mistakes
Advice on what to say to a colleague you know is making mistakes on a project, with scenarios for whether or not you like the colleague and if their actions are…...

How to be Friendly with a Colleague You Don't Like
How to Approach a Colleague that You Have an Issue With - tips on making your working relationship better, even if you don't get on...

How to Deal with a Change in Responsibility in Your Job
How to handle changes in your role - whether they are good or bad...

How to Handle the Maternity Leave Workload of a Colleague
Top tips on how to deal with the workload of a colleague that goes on maternity leave...

How to make a Good First Impression
Creating a Good First Impression with Your Colleagues...

How to Survive Employee Team Building Events
Team building events are viewed by many employees as something similar to torture but not taking these events too seriously should reduce any stress before and during…...

How to Work Effectively with Someone You Don't Like
Practical suggestions to help get the best out of a range of difficult office situations when you have to work with someone you dont like...

Male Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Male sexual harassment does occur in the workplace but many men choose to ignore the problem due to the negative consequences that may arise after lodging a complaint....

Quiz: What Kind of Colleague Are You?
Find out what kind of colleague you are in our quick quiz....

Should You Help Out a Colleague?
Ideas on how to deal with being asked to help a colleague with their work when you may or may not have time...

Tips on How to get Along with Your Colleagues
A few ideas to help you get along with your colleagues...

What to Do When You know a Colleague is Attending Job Interviews
Advice on dealing with various scenarios where colleagues, close or otherwise, are attending interviews with other companies...

What to Say when a Colleague has Poor Personal Hygiene
A gentle way to talk to a colleague about their lack of personal hygiene...

When a Colleague Keeps Taking the Credit for Your Work
Information on how to make sure that your hard work is recognised, even if a sneaky colleague is taking credit for your work...

When Do Jokes in the Workplace Become Harassment?
It is not uncommon for workplace jokes to cross over into harassment, and this can seriously damage the working environment and can have serious consequences for…...

You and Your Friend both Want the Same Promotion
Advice on how to deal with a promotion that both you and your friend want...